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Previous Cases
Here you can find information about some of our previous cases. The results obtained in any case depend upon the specifics of that case. Every case is different. Past results are not a guarantee that you will have similar results in your case. The cases described here illustrate the types of cases we have handled and the breadth of legal expertise we hold.
Cases are listed in reverse order (i.e. those filed most recently are on top). Want to learn more about a case? Click the "Read More" button to access a designated case page.
Kevin Dolan was a public defender paid through a nonprofit corporation to perform indigent legal defense services for King County. He and others in his situation are entitled to membership and benefits in the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS), but King County failed to report him and others the the Department of Retirement Systems (DRS) and failed to make retirement contributions to DRS. The Washington Supreme Court ruled in favor of the King County public defenders and held they are entitled to pensions.
This class action was brought by state employees who worked at least half-time on non-standard work schedules, but who did not receive health insurance. The class consisted mainly of employees that the HCA categorized as "career seasonal" or "nonpermanent" employees. The Superior Court held that class members were entitled to receive state-paid health insurance. Information regarding the settlement can be found on the case page by following the "Read More" button to the left.
More coming soon...
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