Moore v. Health Care Authority
and State of Washington
King County Superior Court
Civil Case No. 06-2-21115-4 SEA
Non-Permanent State Employees Health Benefits Case
This class action was brought by State of Washington employees who worked at least half-time on nonstandard work schedules. The employees were eligible for employer-paid health insurance, but the State failed to provide that health insurance even though the employees averaged at least half-time. This class consisted mainly of employees that the Health Care Authority classified as "nonpermanent" and "career seasonal" employees.
The Superior Court held that class members were entitled to receive state-paid health insurance. This case settled, and the Court entered findings of fact, conclusions of law, and an order approving the Settlement Agreement on June 24, 2016. Read more about the procedural history and browse case documents below.
Case Documents
Jun. 29, 2006
Jun. 08, 2007
Oct. 26, 2006
Aug.1, 2007​
Mar. 23, 2007
Jul. 24, 2007
Nov. 05, 2012
Settlement Documents
Jan. 06, 2016
May 20, 2016