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How We Work:
Class Action Lawsuits

Find answers to Frequently Asked Questions

about class actions and working with us.

What is a Class Action Lawsuit?

Class action lawsuits offer a way for groups of people to take on large corporate or government entities when they have collectively suffered harm, such as the wrongful denial of employee benefits.

Besides relief for participants, or "class members", class action lawsuits are intended to prevent further wrongdoing on the part of government bodies, employers, and other large entities.

Our class action lawyers offer plaintiffs in class action lawsuits the benefit of knowledge gained through four decades of experience.  We advocate on behalf of employees who have been victims of illegal actions by large employers, or citizens harmed in consumer transactions by large organizations.

Do I have a class action case?

Only a consultation with a qualified class action attorney and subsequent research on the issues by that attorney can confirm whether a class action is warranted.

There is no short answer to the question: "Do I have a class action case?"

Many factors must be considered when determining whether your situation qualifies for a class action lawsuit.  If you as an employee have suffered harm from a large corporate, state, or local government entity, and you feel that there is a larger group of employees who have likely also suffered the same harm, then you may have the requisite elements to begin such a suit.

Contact our office if you think you might have a case for a class action suit.

Will you take my individual case anyway?

Our firm's experience and expertise is in class action litigation.  We do not take cases that apply only to singular individuals.

If the attorneys at our firm decide that your case is a potential class action, we will pursue the case as such.  In the event the Court denies class certification, we will continue to represent you on an individual basis pursuant to the negotiated and agreed terms of any retainer agreement executed.  

Am I part of a Class Action?

You may receive a notice stating that you are a potential participant in a class action lawsuit.

Have you received a notice stating that you are a potential participant in a class action lawsuit, and you are not sure what that means or how to respond?
Check the Current Cases page on our website.  If you see the case name of the action you received notice about, please see the corresponding case page for more detailed information regarding the status of the case and how you can proceed.


Still need help?  Contact our office.

Stobaugh & Strong

(206) 622 - 3536

This site and its contents are made available by the law firm for educational and marketing purposes only to provide potential new clients general information about our law practice and an understanding of the types of cases we handle.  It does not constitute legal advice and does not substitute for competent representation from a licensed professional attorney.  No attorney-client relationship is created or entered into by viewing or engaging with this site, its contents or features.

©2022 by Bendich, Stobaugh & Strong, P.C.. 

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