Rush v. State of Washington
"Rush I"
King County Superior Court
Civil Case No. 20-2-03771-1
Part-Time Community and Technical College
Instructors Denied Sick Leave
Part-time community and technical college academic employees for the State of Washington are guaranteed sick leave proportionate to that of their full-time counterparts under RCW 28B.50.4893.
Dana Rush has worked as a part-time Washington community college instructor since 1991. He, and other community and technical college academic employees like him, are entitled to prorata sick leave proportionate to his full-time equivalency under RCW 28B.50.4893, but the State failed to credit this sick leave.
Recently, King County Superior Court Judge LeRoy McCullough granted plaintiffs' motion to establish a formula to calculate damages, and ordered exemplary damages (double damages) against the State for its willful withholding of sick leave wages. Read the Court's order in the Case Documents section below.
Case Documents
Feb. 11, 2020​​
Sept. 22, 2023​
Jun. 22, 2020
Sept. 18, 2020